Application Guide
Jesus is King and the advancement of His Kingdom cannot be stopped.
We will keep Jesus at the center of everything we do.
We will depend on Jesus to accomplish His mission.
We will be guided by the primary ethic of God’s Kingdom - love God and love others.
Every human has inherent dignity and worth because they are created in the image of God.
We will affirm the value of every human from womb to tomb.
We will send missionaries from our midst to the ends of the earth, prioritizing those who are unreached.
We will welcome and celebrate ethnic, social, and generational diversity.
The unified and diverse called-out church is the means of God’s restoring work in the world.
We will stay unified around the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom.
We will expend our energy and resources for the sake of gospel advancement.
We will be engaged in individual and societal acts of mercy and justice.
In general, was there anything you were encouraged or confused by?
Why is it important for us to remember the three core truths as we engage on mission together?
Which of the three core truths is the easiest for you to forget from day to day?
How might believing each of these core truths transform your life? How might it transform us as a community?
How was the gospel and the work of Jesus magnified through the text or sermon?
Is there anything the Spirit is calling you to obey as an individual or as a group?