First and foremost, New Eden Church will be led by our chief Shepherd, King Jesus. We have committed to follow the teachings of Jesus and the ethics of His Kingdom. We also believe that God has given to members of the local body the responsibility to protect the purity of the gospel, while also following those whom God has raised up to lead within their midst, as they follow King Jesus. New Eden is led by a plurality of elders who seek to serve the church by knowing the people, shepherding hearts, teaching the Scriptures, and humbly leading with grace and truth.
Both Staff and Lay Elders hold the same amount of authority, oversight, and responsibility in this calling. Staff Elders are those elders who have been affirmed by the congregation and serve in a full-time or part-time vocational role within the church body. (Staff Elders at New Eden Church typically carry the title of Pastor, often with an emphasis based on their primary responsibilities and gifting.) Lay Elders are elders who have been affirmed by the congregation and serve in a volunteer capacity.
Staff Elder
Pastor for Preaching & Oversight
Joel is married to his wife, Kristy, and is a father of four children. He serves as one of the elders and on staff as our Pastor for Preaching & Oversight.
Staff Elder
Pastor for Shepherding
Kevin is married to his wife, Chris, and is a father of two sons. He serves as one of the elders and on staff as our Pastor for Shepherding.
Lay Elder
Mark is married to his wife, Stephaney, and is a father of eleven children. He serves as one of the elders.
As the Elder Team deems necessary, New Eden will employ various full-time, part-time, and volunteer staff roles to assist the Elder Team in the carrying out of their duties to shepherd and administer the gospel among the member body. Staff positions and internships are held by members of the New Eden body.
Director for Music
Compton is married to his wife, Meredith, and serves as our Director for Music in a part-time capacity.
Director for Equipping
Sarah is married to her husband, Jake, and is a mother of two children. She serves as our Director for Equipping in a part-time capacity.
Ministry Assistant
Kids’ Discipleship & Administration
Hannah is married to her husband, Josh, and serves as a part-time Ministry Assistant with a focus in Administration & Kids’ Discipleship.
Ministry Assistant
Facilities & Gatherings
Jared is married to his wife, Anna, and serves as a part-time Ministry Assistant with a focus in Facilities and Gatherings.