The Ks are members of New Eden Church who live overseas as cross-cultural missionaries. (Due to privacy concerns, we cannot share their full names.)

The Ks long to see Christ’s name extend to the ends of the earth and are committed to the role of carrying the good news to those who currently have no access to the Gospel. They aim to disciple believers to maturity, and plant a healthy, local, and reproducing church that will stand to glorify God even after The Ks are gone.

The Ks currently live in Vietnam, and are studying Vietnamese full-time, as well as exploring potential unreached people groups in the region and future teammates who share the same convictions of church planting and language fluency. This work in the first context also includes exploring a viable business to provide access and engagement with the targeted people for the long-term work of ministry.

Once fluency in Vietnamese is reached, a people group is engaged, a team is formed and a business is approved by the government, The Ks will transition to the second context and the long-term ministry will begin as they engage in the language, culture, and work of establishing a healthy church among the unengaged.

The Ks count it a privilege to be supported and sent out by New Eden and pray that Christ might be exalted among all nations, tribes, and tongues.

To learn more or get direct contact information, email us at To stay up to date on their journey, please sign up for their newsletter below.