• From Jordan Herrarte, Decatur Young Lives Coordinator
We are so excited for our annual Young Lives Winter Weekend Camp on February 2-4!
We will be going to Camp Ascca in Jackson’s Gap, AL.
(Approximately 3 hours from Decatur.)
And we need your help!
We need to bring a handful of childcare volunteers with us to weekend camp from our area to help in the nurseries! There will be teen moms & little ones from AL and GA. Childcare volunteers will be assigned a nursery and volunteer in that same nursery with the same group of kids all weekend. You will interact with more moms/kids than just our Decatur group.
Weekend camp allows our teen moms and their little ones to get out of town, away from the chaos of normal life. Their phones are put away and they get to focus on being present with one another and have an opportunity to encounter Jesus. Several times throughout the weekend, we will have club and cabin time (like we do here).
Club is a time where the girls laugh, sing, play games, win raffles, and get to hear the Gospel communicated clearly to them. Then, we go back to our rooms and have cabin time - a space where we pray and process what we heard and consider next steps. This time to be open and real with one another is life changing and every girl’s favorite part of camp!
Childcare volunteers make it possible for teen moms to experience club and cabin time without interruptions! They make it possible for teen moms to hear and respond to the Gospel at Young Lives Camp! Volunteering in childcare at camp really can have an eternal impact!
Click here to register.
Sign up as a childcare volunteer.
The cost to go is $125. Your meals and housing are provided in the cost. You will need to have your own transportation to and from camp.
*New Eden has offered to cover the cost of the first two volunteers who sign up from within the New Eden family. Once you sign up, they will cover the cost.
For any questions, please contact Jordan at (256) 227-7849.