Staffing Update | 7.8.20
Good afternoon, New Eden family!
In the last few weeks, we have experienced some exciting milestones as a church. We have affirmed 19 Covenant Members as a part of our church family, and we also launched our regular Sunday gatherings. As an Elder Team, we wanted to share a quick staffing update with you all to communicate as we get going.
Elders at New Eden can be either lay (not paid by New Eden) or staff (paid by New Eden), based on their specific calling and area of service to the body. Though every single one of our elders will be involved in the work of pastoring, we have reserved the title of pastor to designate those elders who also carry a paid staff role within the New Eden family. So, one who fulfills the role of an elder might not carry the title of "Pastor" (if he is not on staff). But one who carries the title of pastor will always be an elder. Currently, Kevin and I both fall into the category of elders who are also on staff.
Pastor for Preaching & Oversight
Joel, Kristy, Kadyn, Everleigh, Scarlett, and Madi Wren
As it stands, I am in a full-time staff role at New Eden, serving both as an elder and as the Preaching & Oversight Pastor. My primary areas of focus regarding my staff role will be in the regular preaching ministry and the oversight (administration) of the New Eden church body. Summit Crossing Limestone is currently supporting me for the majority of my salary through the end of August. At that time, New Eden will take on primary responsibility to support my family and me as I serve in a full-time capacity. (We are and will continue to raise outside support as needed for the time being.) Please be in continued prayer for God to provide in this area.
Pastor for Shepherding
Kevin and Chris
Currently, Kevin is serving both as an elder and in a part-time staff role (approximately 16 hrs/wk) as our Shepherding Pastor. His primary areas of focus regarding his staff role will be in the regular shepherding ministry of the church, both in direct shepherding of members and in the equipping of our members to shepherd each other. The majority of Kevin's part-time salary is provided until the end of 2021 through past financial gifts. As a church, we want Kevin to be able to continue in this role past the end of 2021. And if possible, we would love to expand this role before that time, as is needed. Please be in continued prayer for God to provide in this area.
Director for Music
Andrew, Allie, and Theo
Since we launched our online services in April, Andrew Calvert has been serving in a part-time staff role as our Music Director. Now that we have started regular Sunday gatherings, and the demands for this staff role have increased, we are expanding that staff role (from 3 hrs/wk to approximately 5 hrs/wk). Andrew has committed to serving in this role at New Eden for one year. During that time, we, along with his family, will evaluate long-term opportunities available with the New Eden family. We're grateful for the time he is serving every week to lead our church in the area of corporate worship through song. Please be in continued prayer for God to provide as needed in this area.
As an Elder Team, we are grateful to serve alongside you to see the gospel advance in Decatur and beyond. If you have any questions at all about any of the above, please email me at
Joel McCarty (on behalf of the Elder Team)
Pastor for Preaching & Oversight