Why "New Eden"?
Any good theology starts back in Genesis, in a beautiful garden-temple that the Scriptures call the "Garden of Eden." It was in this beautiful garden that God created the first humans and charged them with a lofty and privileged calling - to lovingly care for and rule over all of creation as an act of worship to their Creator. These humans, Adam and Eve, were not only to care for all of creation as image-bearers of Yahweh Himself, but they were also commanded to recreate themselves and to spread the glory and image of God throughout the entire cosmos. The vision was that God's glory and presence flood the earth until all of creation existed as one giant garden-temple, a place where heaven and earth would meet and where God and humanity would dwell in union forever. Unfortunately, the first humans rebelled against God's good rule and reign, choosing instead to determine for themselves what good and evil meant, and in doing so, they sent all of creation, including themselves, into chaos.
Ever since then, humanity has been fighting with God, each other, and creation, looking and groaning for someone to make things right and put things back together again. As we work our way through the Scriptures, we read a multitude of promises given to humanity that there would be one who would come and put things to right. One who would come and undo the curse. A son who would be born to crush the serpent's head and put an end to death's reign. And the glory of the Lord would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
As we read further, we learn that the man who would accomplish all this was Jesus the Messiah. Jesus becomes the true and better Adam as He perfectly spreads God's glory, and the true and better temple, as He perfectly unites heaven and earth in Himself, fully God, yet fully man. And all those who are brought into His family through trust in His life, death, burial, and resurrection are also made into new humans and living temples, sent out for the purpose of displaying and declaring the good news of God's Kingdom throughout the entire world. These people are collectively known as the church, and though the people who make up the church are deeply flawed, they are the means by which God has chosen to make His glory manifest in the world.
When we get to the end of the story of the Scriptures in the book of Revelation, we see Jesus unite Himself with His bride, the church, who is made pure and perfect by the shedding of His own blood. We also see heaven united together with earth and God once again dwelling with His people. But this time it's even better than it was back in the beginning. This time it's permanent, and only God Himself can receive the glory. No human can take credit for this accomplishment. This is the new garden-temple, the new Eden, and this is what the church has been called to pursue and strive toward until Jesus returns.
So, as we labor for the cause of the Kingdom, we do not labor in vain, because we know that the King, in fact, will return, and that when He does, He will validate the efforts and suffering of His people. Knowing this, we seek to spread the Kingdom in little pockets through acts of mercy and justice, and by going and sending others to the ends of the earth, proclaiming this message of hope and deliverance to all who would hear.
This is why we have chosen the name, "New Eden Church.”
At first glance, our logo looks like a leaf, which is inspired by the following verses.
"Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him."
- Revelation 22:1-3
The logo could also represent a drop of water, inspired by the vast imagery the Scriptures use to display the life-giving qualities of water in reference to the hope of Jesus and the gospel.
The color is teal, inspired by the color blue (representing heaven) and the color green (representing earth) coming together, as heaven and earth will be made one in the new creation.
“We desire to be a hub where we send out men and women to the ends of the earth to spread this good news...”
Our hope as a church is to be a family where one can glimpse heaven meeting earth, God dwelling with His people, and justice and mercy on display as a tangible picture of the good news of Jesus' Kingdom. And as this becomes a reality, we then desire to be a hub where we send out men and women to the ends of the earth to spread this good news, going forth with boldness in the power of King Jesus, until He returns to finish the work He has begun.
"The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price."
Revelation 22:17
There’s one other question I would like to answer that I anticipate some may be asking:
As we processed and prayed alongside church leaders from both current Summit Crossing locations (Limestone and Madison), we collectively came to the conclusion that it would be best to plant with clarity from day one regarding the vision of a fully autonomous church. Though we will be heavily supported by both Summit Crossing Churches, and will partner with both churches as a part of the Summit Crossing family of churches in North Alabama, we believe planting from the beginning with our own name will accomplish a couple key things:
From the beginning, we want to make it clear to the men and women of Decatur that we are seeking to be an autonomous church completely devoted to the good of the city and specifically led by leaders who are fully invested in the life of Decatur. Sharing the Summit Crossing name could easily create confusion as to what we are seeking to do as most people assume that multiple “locations” or “campuses” indicates a central office or some form of an outside hierarchy.
Though each current Summit Crossing Church has full autonomy and freedom regarding leadership and finances, it is unavoidable when sharing a name to not also share some of the culture associated with the “brand”. This church plant having its own name will allow it the freedom and flexibility to develop a culture specific to the city of Decatur to most effectively reach the city with the good news of King Jesus.
I want to make clear that we absolutely love the Summit Crossing family and New Eden Church will remain an active participant in the mission God has given to all of us to make disciples in North Alabama and to the ends of the earth. We will continue partnering with the Summit Crossing family through relationship, mission efforts, church planting, support, student discipleship, and much more. We will be forever grateful for the values that have been instilled in our hearts during our time with Summit Crossing.
Joel McCarty
Lead Planter
New Eden Church