2024 Fall Newsletter
Hello, New Eden family and friends.
As we head into the holiday season, we rejoice for all the Lord has done among us this year and look forward to sharing the season of gratitude and celebration with you. The cooler weather also means it’s time to share our quarterly newsletter - recapping and sharing various updates from our church family. Our desire is to encourage all those connected with the New Eden fellowship by sharing these stories of God’s work in and through us this fall.
“For I desire faithful love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”
We just wrapped up our 10-week Women’s Bible Study through the book of Hosea.
“Hosea has been a hard text. The severity of warning, of judgment and the imagery throughout Hosea have been difficult. Even more difficult has been the reason this judgment was needed - the persistent sin and the “seeking of other gods” by a people in a covenant relationship with the one true God. Quite naturally, there was the revealing of places in our own hearts where we are seeking other gods, other loves.
Through it all, the scripture found in Hosea reveals to our hearts and minds the character of God, showing us more of who He is. His love is severe and kind. He is faithful. His love is a loyal, tender, Hesed love; full of grace and power. God never chooses another lover over His bride. His desire is relationship with Him, and that we enjoy Him as our greatest lover.
Like an evening meal in which all the flavors are steeped perfectly, one in which even the culinary mishaps (the collapsed cake or substituted ingredient) were a savory delight perfectly complementing the elements of the meal poured over with careful planning, study and preparation. The Monday night gathering to study the book of Hosea has been such a “meal” poured over in careful planning, study, and preparation. And it has been led with surrender, grace and wisdom; biblically rich. The gathering has been shared each week with hearts hungry, soft, and passionate; genuine with sleepy eyes, aches and delights. Moments of curiosity and honesty have nurtured the riches of depth and humor as is only possible simultaneously in Christ Jesus.
The reality is that it is not possible to attend every opportunity for gathering and study put before us, but as I reflect on these weeks, I am so honored and humbled to have shared in the bounty and savory pause - this “evening meal” shared together in the book Hosea amongst such beautiful company spurring me on in Christ Jesus our Lord to know and enjoy Him more.
- Shannon Neill
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.”
jeremiah matthew diekemper
Born to Matt and Kryssi Diekemper on October 1, 2024.
“...be filled by the Spirit: speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
Recently, we preached through the entire book of Malachi. A book that reminds us both of the justice and mercy of God.
2024 Advent Series
Kevin Perry, our Pastor for Shepherding, will be preaching all four weeks of our Advent Series. He will be looking at the story of Jesus’ birth as told by each of the four gospels.
To listen to archived sermons, visit our website, YouTube channel, or download our app. Or you can search for “New Eden Sermons” on your preferred podcast platform.
This coming Sunday, we’ll begin singing Advent-themed songs in our gatherings!
Did you know we have a playlist where you can listen to the songs we’re singing on Sundays? Every Thursday, the upcoming five songs are added to the top of the playlist. See the playlist on Spotify ⬇️, or click here for YouTube.
Each year, New Eden joins other downtown businesses for the annual trick-or-treat. It’s always a great opportunity as volunteers dress up and pass out candy outside of our building. We’re grateful for the location of The Garden, as it allows us to participate in events such as these.
Toys donated for the Toy Drive.
We’re collecting new or gently used toys to donate to the Neighborhood Christian Center. These toys will go directly to their Christmas store, which serves parents and children in the Decatur community (and surrounding areas). Thank you to the many of you who have already given! You can still give through this coming Sunday, December 1st.
Each Advent Season at New Eden, we encourage everyone in our church family to consider giving to various missional opportunities. This year, everything that is given will go toward supporting our staff and pastors in 2025.
Typically, we try to use our Advent Giving to support one of our Global Partners. However, this year, all of those needs are currently met, so we are using our 2024 Advent Giving to support an internal need.
Going into next year, New Eden is having to lower our budget by $2000 per month. Overall, our internal giving has continued to steadily increase year to year. But there is a gap due to the continual sending of Global Partners, New Eden members moving away to pursue pastoral ministry, and the ceasing of most external financial support.
We are asking New Eden family and friends to consider giving toward this need throughout the Advent Season. The money given will go primarily to keeping our two staff pastors, Joel McCarty and Kevin Perry, at the same hours and availability into 2025.
Our goal is to cover the gap in the budget for at least six months, which is approximately $12,000. As we have shared with our members, we believe that God is opening some doors soon that will allow New Eden and its staff and pastors to continue flourishing in a healthy, sustainable manner. Raising this amount will allow us to care for our staff and pastors during this season, and in the meantime, anticipate how God will provide in the long-term.
“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”
Joel McCarty, our Pastor for Preaching & Oversight, will be leaving Saturday, November 30, on a 3-week trip to visit each of our Global Partners. He will be in three different locations throughout the trip, and will get to spend time with each of our members in their current locations.
Please be in prayer for Joel, and his family while he is away. If you’d like to give to help support the financial cost, you can do so by clicking here.
New Eden is grateful to have the privilege of sending multiple teams to work among unreached people groups around the world. To learn more about all of our Global Partners, click here.
December 22 • 10:00a
Our last Sunday gathering for the year will be an Advent Celebration! We encourage you to come join us as we remember the birth of Jesus and encourage our hearts while we wait for His return. There will be songs, Scripture reading, a story for the children, a short message, candle lighting, hot chocolate, coffee, and more!
December 29
Each year, we take the last Sunday off from gathering corporately. We do this to allow more time for our pastors, staff, and volunteers to rest and reflect as we head into the new year. We encourage you to instead gather with your family or Missional Community and spend time recounting God's goodness and praying. If you have any questions regarding this, please email elders@newedenchurch.org.
Pastor for Shepherding
I know I tell you each time I preach that I have the honor and privilege of serving as a pastor and elder at New Eden. I understand that sometimes people say things just because it’s the right thing to say, but I want you to know that I really mean it. I have been in a church ever since I was negative nine months old, and soon I’ll be sixty-one, but I can honestly say I’ve never been in one as loving, supportive, and healthy for me as New Eden. God has created a DNA here that provides both care and accountability in a way that is very comforting.
My path to New Eden was not a plan I could have ever come up with and many of you have just as unique a story as I do. When I look at all the details that conspired to bring us together it is plain that our story is by no means a random set of circumstances and events, but rather a plan crafted and guided by the One who loves us in a way we will grow to understand more, but never completely fathom. He is both unchanging and new every day, which is exceedingly wonderful to me since I get bored so easily.
Your giving of yourself and receiving the love poured out so generously to each other continually affirms the fact that the life of the body of Christ is a team sport. I’m so grateful that the words of Paul in Galatians 6:10 are so true of you. “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us work for the good of all, especially for those who belong to the household of faith.” We are to love and reach out to the world, but it is right and good that we nourish, support, and deeply love each other in a way that makes our lives a spring overflowing with Jesus.
As I have talked, walked beside, loved, and been loved by you God has continually affirmed that He is at work in our lives all the time. It may sound like a pithy statement, but Jesus really is the answer. Looking back at the last four year’s challenges, hurts, joys, and resolutions leaves no doubt that we have been held by our Good Father. I look forward to continuing to enjoy our sibling relationship both now and for eternity.
In Christ’s love and with mine,
Thank you for taking the time to read through our 2024 Fall Newsletter. If you have any questions or content to submit for our Winter Newsletter, please email us at info@newedenchurch.org.