2024 Summer Newsletter
Good afternoon, New Eden family and friends.
We plan to start sharing quarterly newsletters to recap and share various updates from our church family. Our desire is to encourage all those connected with the New Eden fellowship by sharing these stories of God’s work in and through us.
Our plan is to release a newsletter around the times seasons change (winter, spring, summer, fall). If you have anything you would like included in the next newsletter (testimony, announcement, etc.), please email us at info@newedenchurch.org.
Below is our first edition of this newsletter, covering the last few summer months. We hope this leaves you feeling encouraged and connected to the work God is doing in and through New Eden.
“The Lord is great and is highly praised; his greatness is unsearchable. One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts. I will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty and your wondrous works. They will give a testimony of your great goodness and will joyfully sing of your righteousness.”
Partaking in communion together is one of the central elements of the New Eden gathering each Sunday.
“When I was diagnosed with cancer around 19 months ago, I had to give up some things in my life and rearrange other priorities due to the toll of both my sickness and the treatments. One constant that sustained me through it all was Sunday mornings at New Eden (even if I could only join virtually) because I need to hear God’s word and gospel! Now, one of the biggest blessings is the opportunities I get to prepare the Communion Elements for the Sunday gathering. Preparing the elements is so significant for me because of Jesus’s charge to remember His broken body and shed blood when we are gathered. I am only worthy of doing this because He gave His life for me. I also love the opportunity to see many other brothers and sisters serving in the background at New Eden (making coffee, putting out signs, soundcheck, etc.). I get so excited knowing that we are all there together because of the One whom our soul loves. It doesn’t hurt that I get to spend a little extra time with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and my four grandchildren as well!”
- Anita McCarty
“Chrissy and I loved that Selah and Bethany had the opportunity to publicly declare their willingness to follow Jesus in baptism at First Missionary Baptist Church because it is such a historic pillar of a church here in Decatur. The history of First Missionary is so rich, and I’m grateful that New Eden and my girls are a part of the history now! Chrissy and I love the Black Church. I love the heavenly glimpse of our bodies worshipping together. And our whole family loves the opportunity to gather with First Missionary (the girls especially love the singing and praying portions of the service… oh, and the ‘cool chairs!’). We are thankful First Missionary will be part of Selah and Bethany’s testimony as they remember their baptism.”
- Jason Jenkins
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.”
Baptized on July 21, 2024
Baptized on July 21, 2024
Baptized on July 21, 2024
Born on May 9, 2024, to Jared & Anna Bailey.
Born on March 25, 2024, to Jason & Chrissy Jenkins.
Married on March 30, 2024.
the coggin family
Ben, Jess, Audrey, & Nathan relocated to Birmingham, Alabama this summer, where Ben will attend seminary at Beason Divinity School. Ben and Jess were faithfully serving and engaged in the life of New Eden, and will be greatly missed.
Born on August 22, 2024, to Lawrence & Alayne Tadlock.
“...be filled by the Spirit: speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
We love seeing our young children joining in and observing our times of corporate worship through Scripture, song, and prayer.
This summer, we had the opportunity to spend time in the Psalms during our Sunday gatherings. Kevin Perry, Ben Coggin, and Joel McCarty preached through Psalm 13, 19, 61, 84, 91, & 96.
We have launched back into our series through the book of Genesis and have covered all the way through Genesis 28.
To listen to archived sermons, visit our website, YouTube channel, or download our app. Or you can search for “New Eden Sermons” on your preferred podcast platform.
“These three songs have reminded me of the nearness and gentleness of Christ in my life. He is “gentle and lowly in heart,” offering rest for the weary. (Matt 11:28-29)”
- Compton McMurry, Director for Music
Did you know we have a playlist where you can listen to the songs we’re singing on Sundays? Every Thursday, the upcoming five songs are added to the top of the playlist. See the playlist on Spotify ⬇️, or click here for YouTube.
Joel McCarty welcoming both congregations during our joint service with First Missionary Baptist.
This summer, New Eden Church had the opportunity to join First Missionary Baptist Church at their Sunday gatherings on June 30 and July 21. These joint gatherings have become something that many in our body look forward to each year.
In July, we also got to join First Missionary in hosting a VBS and were really encouraged by the time together with kids from New Eden, First Missionary, and the surrounding community.
Looking ahead, we’ll continue our partnership with First Missionary Baptist into the fall with a Kids Bible Study – hosted in conjunction with their adult Bible Study on Wednesday nights. It has been sweet to see our relationship with First Missionary be strengthened this summer, and we ask you to continue praying for our partnership in the gospel.
Young Life is a ministry for teens that’s been around internationally since 1941 and here in town since 2016. Read the following information from one of our members, Clay Long.
Our goal is to introduce adolescents to Christ and help them grow in their faith. We start by showing up on their turf, building friendships, and earning the right to be heard. As we earn the right, we demonstrate and proclaim the gospel through our events, bible studies, and trips, but most importantly, through the lives and friendships of our staff and volunteers.
Between our three ministries, Young Life (for High School), led by Clay Long, YoungLives (for young mothers), led by Jordan Herrarte, and Capernaum (for teens with intellectual and developmental disabilities), led by Erin Roberts, we are always in need of support!
We invite you to prayerfully consider learning more about volunteering as a mentor, serving in childcare for YoungLives clubs, or joining our committee. We are locally funded and would be grateful for you to consider supporting us financially. Finally, we covet your prayers! Please pray for our town’s teens. Pray that they would know the truth! And please pray for us as we enter into the world of teens and do whatever it takes to tell them about Jesus!
You can reach us by phone or email, and visit our website here. Thanks!
- Clay Long
“I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”
Western Asia
In July, New Eden Church commissioned K.W.*, who will serve on staff at a training center for cross-cultural missionaries in Western Asia. K.W. will be working as the Operations Coordinator at Radical’s Training Center in Western Asia. This center exists to prepare global workers to serve long-term among the unreached through full cultural immersion. K.W. will be managing the training facility, student housing, and visiting teachers and agencies, amongst other responsibilities that aim at maintaining a smooth and efficient program.
*Due to security reasons, we cannot publish her full name.
Western Asia
In August, we also commissioned A.H.* to move to western Asia and attend the same training school as a student. The Radical Training Center aims to equip Christians to develop the resiliency and practical skills necessary to live amongst the unreached and establish a healthy and reproducing church for God’s glory.
As part of the program, A.H. will have the opportunity to live among the unreached and experience full cultural immersion while gaining language and culture acquisition skills and instruction from seasoned, cross-cultural global workers with years of experience in the field.
A.H. has a long-term goal of living overseas as a cross-cultural missionary and prays that her time in Western Asia will give her invaluable skills to do so.
This training school is the same one that K.W. is serving on staff at, and we are grateful that they will be together during this next eight months.
*Due to security reasons, we cannot publish her full name.
New Eden is grateful to have the privilege of sending multiple teams to work among unreached people groups around the world. To learn more about all of our Global Partners, click here.
begins September 9th
This fall, all women are invited to study the book of Hosea together on Monday nights at The Garden. This is an opportunity to dive deep into Scripture with a study guide, weekly teaching, and prayer time. To learn more and register, click here.
September 22 • 1:00p
We encourage all members of New Eden Church to join us for our upcoming Family Meeting. Family Meetings are held quarterly and are for current or prospective members of New Eden Church. We'll spend this time welcoming new members, giving updates on Regional and Global Partnerships, talking through future plans, sharing evidences of grace, and praying together. Members in-process or those interested in membership are also welcome to attend this meeting. To learn more, click here.
Pastor for Preaching & Oversight
Church family, I just want to express my gratitude for each of you. I often find myself in awe at the way God has worked and orchestrated each of us to be in each other’s lives. While there are always challenges to pastoral ministry, I can truly say that it is an overwhelming joy to be a part of this local expression of God’s global church.
I want to exhort you to continue pressing on in your pursuit of Jesus, because He is worth it. He is intimately and actively working through you, and I love getting to have a front row seat to His work in your lives. Following are some of the things I’ve witnessed that cheer my soul when I think of them.
I hear from our Global Partners often how grateful they are to have a congregation of believers behind them in their endeavors. Knowing that they have gospel partners in their corner is a constant source of encouragement.
I love watching and hearing you sing on Sunday mornings. Knowing that many of you walk in our gatherings with questions, doubt, pain, suffering, grief, and hardships, yet still limp in to find joy and peace in the good news of Jesus - that speaks to my soul week in and week out.
I am honored as I watch many of you serve, often in unnoticed ways. The prayers prayed, the hugs shared, the doors opened, the coffee served, and much more - these are all selfless acts done in a spirit of love that help to create a culture of safety, honor, and hope that others can tangibly feel.
As you press forward through the heartaches of life, please know that you are deeply loved, more than you could know. My prayer is that the God of all peace would continue to strengthen you, so that your faith and love may increase more and more. And that you would increasingly grow more aware of the overwhelming love of Jesus that surpasses all human understanding.
Thank you for loving and encouraging me, church. I’m grateful to be a part of God’s work in and through each of you.
Thank you for taking the time to read through our 2024 Summer Newsletter. If you have any questions or content to submit for our Fall Newsletter, please email us at info@newedenchurch.org.